kirinqueen: there's a bit of a line for the lifts
kirinqueen: mimosas
kirinqueen: Matt sautes
kirinqueen: DSC04859
kirinqueen: Oatmeal the scarf in progress
kirinqueen: DSC04863
kirinqueen: Oatmeal impersonates a chicken
kirinqueen: mondo icicles
kirinqueen: the view from the front window
kirinqueen: bizarre use of quotation marks
kirinqueen: got X?
kirinqueen: think X
kirinqueen: glad we're not outside
kirinqueen: it's up to the hood
kirinqueen: well of snow
kirinqueen: there's the sky!
kirinqueen: saying goodbye to Kirkwood
kirinqueen: heading out
kirinqueen: DSC04879