thekirbster: Plenary Session
thekirbster: Studying Symbols
thekirbster: 21st Century Iconography
thekirbster: Paraphernalia
thekirbster: Django Programmer
thekirbster: The Open Bastion
thekirbster: Philosopher
thekirbster: DjangoCon Sponsor
thekirbster: Idan
thekirbster: Slide Dissolve
thekirbster: Dinner @ Djangocon
thekirbster: DjangoCon Branding
thekirbster: MVPs of DjangoCon
thekirbster: Sponsors on Screen
thekirbster: Welcome from Hilton
thekirbster: Sponsor Slide
thekirbster: Green Cab
thekirbster: Conference Branding
thekirbster: Michael and Adriana
thekirbster: Start Transition
thekirbster: Magician
thekirbster: Geek Company
thekirbster: Reception Clown
thekirbster: The Grunch
thekirbster: "Company Merger"
thekirbster: Hilton Suite
thekirbster: Invisible Landscapes
thekirbster: Chairman's Kitchen
thekirbster: Django Shop
thekirbster: Captain Grunch