Infinite Monkeys: If there was a vampire or ghost in here - it would be spookier!
Infinite Monkeys: Living For A Shot At The Title
Infinite Monkeys: Lonely Tree Flare
Infinite Monkeys: Harry's Dream
Infinite Monkeys: Tres Color
Infinite Monkeys: Fairie Land
Infinite Monkeys: Frosty Tree
Infinite Monkeys: An Unfortunate Series Of Events
Infinite Monkeys: Monday Blues
Infinite Monkeys: Golden View
Infinite Monkeys: Aparently this is scarier!
Infinite Monkeys: Welcome to NewZealand
Infinite Monkeys: Cold, Cold River
Infinite Monkeys: Still Green In The Heart Of Winter
Infinite Monkeys: Pushing Daisies
Infinite Monkeys: For in the true nature of things, if we rightly consider, every green tree is far more glorious than if it were made of gold and silver.
Infinite Monkeys: God has cared for these trees, saved them from drought, disease, avalanches, and a thousand tempests and floods. But he cannot save them from fools
Infinite Monkeys: Prince of the Forrest
Infinite Monkeys: International Fugger Appreciation Day
Infinite Monkeys: Fall in Deer Valley
Infinite Monkeys: Children of the Corn
Infinite Monkeys: Mirrors 366.237
Infinite Monkeys: Simply, today.
Infinite Monkeys: HobbleCreek Canyon / Why is life so busy?