Kipling West2.0:
Grooming Flamingo
Kipling West2.0:
Southern Bald Ibis
Kipling West2.0:
Vulturine guineafowl
Kipling West2.0:
I crush your head...sparrow!
Kipling West2.0:
In Canada giant roosters prowl parking lots
Kipling West2.0:
In Canada there are so many peacocks they put the extra ones in the trash
Kipling West2.0:
The Christmas Owl
Kipling West2.0:
your insatiable chick will be full of pleasure!
Kipling West2.0:
The long-whiskered owlet, one of the world's smallest owls, was discovered in 1976
Kipling West2.0:
Pigeon and Diamond
Kipling West2.0:
See the value in what you have
Kipling West2.0:
The Agnostic-Phibes Rhythm & Blood Conspiracy
Kipling West2.0:
Evangelical Blackbird
Kipling West2.0:
A silver wire is enclosed in the glass
Kipling West2.0:
Cat Bird Eye
Kipling West2.0:
Kipling West2.0:
Images of Heaven, Part 4
Kipling West2.0:
I win; Birds and Branches
Kipling West2.0:
So fungoid a growth of glistening flesh
Kipling West2.0:
Daruma Delivers
Kipling West2.0:
Bluebird and Dilyporp
Kipling West2.0:
It was a dark day despite the blinding sun
Kipling West2.0:
Gig Poster: Sunset Rubdown
Kipling West2.0:
Gig Poster: The Ostrich
Kipling West2.0:
Gig Poster: Daggermouth
Kipling West2.0:
The Hellgrims
Kipling West2.0:
Bird's gotta swim, fish gotta fly
Kipling West2.0:
Who there, who is it, stopping for a visit...'zat you, Santa Claus?
Kipling West2.0:
Simple Pigeon
Kipling West2.0:
In Canada you can announce your preference on your hat