Spirithills (Leah): Carmine Bee-eater
David C Mishalof: Brown Pelican flying past the cliffs.
JS-WILDLIFE: Wiesenschafstelze - Blue-headed wagtail
aiglonne: Plongeon catmarin - Gavia stellata - Red-throated Loon
cre8foru2009: Red-shoulder Hawk
Mobile Lynn: Puffin 504_4957.jpg
WalrusTexas: Vigilance
fix.68: 27 décembre 2024-Z90_2758
nick edge: Short-eared owl
ellen.a.higginson: Llyn Padarn
paulchambers_levenbankphotography: Kingfisher in winter.
giselasfotos: Gisela_Nagel-Fl-7271-Singschwan
Jim Williams 3420: Robin perching
Jim Williams 3420: Barn Owl - headshot!
Jim Williams 3420: Stretching Great-tit
Jim Williams 3420: Garden robin
Céline Boilard: Gros-bec errant \ Evening Grosbeak (femelle)
Céline Boilard: Chouette rayée \ Barred Owl
richardboucher1: Canard pilet
Norbert Lefevre: # Explore ... 4 ... # Martin pêcheur d'Europe " femelle " ( Alcedo atthis - Common kingfisher )
alainclement: short-eared Owl comes to me ....
RickCGraham: Common Kingfisher ♀ / Alcedo atthis / 小翠鳥 (雌鳥) [Explore]
Donfo52: Cardinal mâle - 1606.jpg
IsaacCSanchez: Harris's Hawk
Cláudio Dias Timm: Caneleiro (Pachyramphus castaneus amazonus)
Roger Smith SD 73: Ring necked duck drake
MarjieM777: Late afternoon sun
Céline Boilard: Chouette rayée \ Barred Owl
Marek Palicka: Strix uralensis - puštík bělavý - Ural owl