Assaf Kintzer: "History and Medical Description of the Two-Headed Girl", N.Y. 1869
Assaf Kintzer: Narrative of the tragical death of Mr. Darius Barber, and his seven children, who were inhumanly butchered by the Indians
Assaf Kintzer: Joseph H. Hefflon- Pneumonia victim.
Assaf Kintzer: An hiroglyphic epistle from the Devil to Lord N-th.
Assaf Kintzer: United Brothers
Assaf Kintzer: When All Else Fails
Assaf Kintzer: William Cheselden, The Anatomy of the Human Body, London 1713
Assaf Kintzer: Frontispiece to Robert Henderson, 'The Arraignment of the Whole Creature Att the Barre of Religion, Reason, Experience' (1632)
Assaf Kintzer: Account of a dreadful and most inhuman murder, committed by a mother on the body of her own child.
Assaf Kintzer: Resurrection men detected by smugglers
Assaf Kintzer: Broadsheet of the disabled Bartholomei Bartelsen of Riga
Assaf Kintzer: Schola Gentilium, Der Heyden Schul...
Assaf Kintzer: 'The Smoaking Age. Or The Life and Death of Tobacco'
Assaf Kintzer: To this grave doctor millions do resort
Assaf Kintzer: A Mapp Shewing The Order & Causes of Salvation & Damnation