King County:
Bus Passengers
King County:
Wheelchair Lift
King County:
Metro Transit Express, circa 1973
King County:
Gillig Prototype, 1999
King County:
Driver's Job, 1993
King County:
Renton Transit Center, 1996
King County:
'The Bus Stops Here' poster, c. 1997
King County:
Rack and Roll, circa 1998
King County:
Bus shelter mural program, Ballard High School, c. 1990
King County:
Metro Route 275 at the UW Hub, 1991
King County:
Metro express bus, 1992
King County:
Bus going by the King County Administrative Building, 2001
King County:
The road less traveled, 1994
King County:
Metro bus 2001, route 18 via downtown, no date