Kindurco: Patch and a football
Kindurco: Patch
Kindurco: Patch on Cathkn Braes at the 'split' tree
Kindurco: Let sleeping dogs [and cats] lie
Kindurco: Dog! - What do you mean you've got a dog?!!!
Kindurco: Patch - Please play with me!
Kindurco: Machrahanish sunset with dogs!
Kindurco: Machrahanish sunset with dog!
Kindurco: Machrahanish Beach with dogs!
Kindurco: Patch and Stormy weather at Ayr beach 12-03-2008 a
Kindurco: Patch, at the gateway to the Greenock Cut Walkway.
Kindurco: Patch at the new seating area, Greenock Cut, Cornalees.
Kindurco: Patch - having a 'constitutional swim' in the compensation loch March 28th 2008
Kindurco: Patch on patrol at Muirshiel Country Park, Scotland
Kindurco: What's round the bend?
Kindurco: Patient Patch
Kindurco: Still sniffing around
Kindurco: Footprints in the snow 1
Kindurco: spot the dog!
Kindurco: Patch in the snow
Kindurco: Patch - fed up waiting
Kindurco: Iced up riverbank
Kindurco: Footprints in the snow 2
Kindurco: Sniffing around
Kindurco: At Castle Semple Centre
Kindurco: Swimming in Semple Loch
Kindurco: Waiting for permission to swim.
Kindurco: Semple Loch expectations!
Kindurco: Waiting for me in the car
Kindurco: Dog-tired