Finglishman: Streetside sales of colorful pooja gear
Finglishman: Streetside sales of colorful pooja gear
Finglishman: Child's windmills to sell
Finglishman: Child's windmills to sell
Finglishman: No idea what this attraction is
Finglishman: Another stall for hungry visitors
Finglishman: Today, it seems gambling is legal
Finglishman: Today, it seems gambling is legal
Finglishman: New toy from the market
Finglishman: Selling decoration templates
Finglishman: Selling limes, or is it lemons?
Finglishman: Temple top
Finglishman: Awaiting a big crowd
Finglishman: Tent setup for the visitors
Finglishman: Covering the pot with hot coals
Finglishman: 30 degrees Celsius is not too hot for a sweater
Finglishman: Awaiting a big crowd
Finglishman: Two budding shopkeepers
Finglishman: Two budding shopkeepers
Finglishman: Two budding shopkeepers
Finglishman: Two budding shopkeepers
Finglishman: Drumming their hearts away
Finglishman: Decorated tractor pulling an even more blingey float
Finglishman: Pooja float
Finglishman: Tractor bed pooja float
Finglishman: Child's windmills whizzing away
Finglishman: Deep fat frying for the visitors