kinabalu: Beautiful Korean girl outside of Kim Il Sung birthplace
kinabalu: Kids waiting to enter the caves
kinabalu: Kids playing jacks with rocks in Kaesong
kinabalu: Korean girls walking outside of Kim Il Sung birthplace
kinabalu: Korean girls walking outside of Kim Il Sung birthplace
kinabalu: Adorable little girls outside of Childrens Palace
kinabalu: Adorable little girls outside of Childrens Palace
kinabalu: School children I'd imagine
kinabalu: Kids waiting to enter the caves
kinabalu: Kaesong kids playing jacks with rocks
kinabalu: Kaesong kids playing jacks with rocks while our videographer watches
kinabalu: Want some candy?
kinabalu: All of the girls are entranced
kinabalu: Lil Kim says, don't take candy from American Imperialist Aggressors
kinabalu: Kaesong kids playing jacks with rocks
kinabalu: Kaesong kids playing jacks with rocks
kinabalu: More kids, one has a mickey mouse shirt
kinabalu: Kids
kinabalu: Kids waiting to enter the caves