kinabalu: Local Guide for International Friendship Museum
kinabalu: Jasmine with Aviators with Kim Il Sung Statue in Reflection
kinabalu: Mister Lee @ Farm Coop
kinabalu: Mister Lee @ Farm Coop
kinabalu: Nancy from Koryo Tours
kinabalu: Local Guide from Kim Il Sung "Birthplace"
kinabalu: Local Guide from Kim Il Sung "Birthplace"
kinabalu: Miss Yu "Gina'o"
kinabalu: Mister Lee at Duck Restaurant
kinabalu: Miss Yu "Gina'o" after the Children's Palace show
kinabalu: Local Guide for Juche Tower
kinabalu: Miss Yu "Gina'o" outside the International Friendship Museum
kinabalu: Miss Yu "Gina'o" outside the International Friendship Museum
kinabalu: Miss Yu "Gina'o" outside the International Friendship Museum
kinabalu: Mister Lee outside some restaurant
kinabalu: Trumpet playing friends (Mister Kim, and John)
kinabalu: Andrew and Miss Yu outside the DPRK Arch de Triumph
kinabalu: Mister Kim coming up the subway
kinabalu: Mister Kim praying to the gods?
kinabalu: Our faithful bus driver Mister Che
kinabalu: Our faithful bus driver Mister Che
kinabalu: Miss Yu "Gina'o"
kinabalu: Miss Yu "Gina'o"
kinabalu: Hannah from Koryo
kinabalu: Mister Lee
kinabalu: Hannah from Koryo