kinabalu: Gabe and Jordan look on after crushing the Vominator coaster
kinabalu: The vominator prepares its first victims
kinabalu: They won't look so carefree after the vominator is done with them
kinabalu: Jim rides the Vominator
kinabalu: Fair is fair, I take your picture, you take mine.
kinabalu: Neil looks on before another vominator coaster run
kinabalu: Strong Juche with this one who attempts to pickup Ingrid
kinabalu: North Korean kid hits on Ingrid
kinabalu: Another close up of North Korean kid who picks up on Ingrid. The North Korean women were NOT amused
kinabalu: Bumper Cars!
kinabalu: Gabes bumper car, sucked
kinabalu: Out for vengeance
kinabalu: It's a 4 car pile-up
kinabalu: Dan looks nice until he gets behind a bumper car
kinabalu: Bam!
kinabalu: You want a piece of this?
kinabalu: Group of guys watching the next challenging ride
kinabalu: All smiles and happiness
kinabalu: Piece of cake
kinabalu: Holy sh*t!
kinabalu: Yup, it spins as it throws you left to right
kinabalu: Everyone walks just a bit lopsided after done
kinabalu: All smiles and giggles
kinabalu: American imperialist, we like
kinabalu: More smiles during picture time
kinabalu: Everyone wants a picture
kinabalu: I hope she's not in the Korean army
kinabalu: Jordan takes on the strong man
kinabalu: The attendant helps Jordan
kinabalu: Jim gives it his all