kimz VisionQuest: finally done with this one. I wasn't happy with the polish on the flat top so I worked it again tonite. Such a Shiny Dragon!!! aiming toward having it set in time to enter it in the Vta Co fair
kimz VisionQuest: crazy lace agate it's got a little vug in the white part #crazylace #visionquest #geostuff #diycabochon #gocutastone
kimz VisionQuest: cut some stones tonite. do you see the whale?? #lapidary #agate #whalestone
kimz VisionQuest: Dryhead agate I was working last night man I love orange
kimz VisionQuest: I cut some Fordite tonite and it was Good #fordite #lapidary #VisionQuest #VisionQuestonetsy #diystones
kimz VisionQuest: this stone... so much going on with it.. I'm considering keeping it flat (not doming- ok in the prices of shaping-polishing) and adding pierced silver, essentially making it 2sided with bezeled stone on one side and pierced "image" on the other.
kimz VisionQuest: I cut a cab! (busy day!!!) moss agate piece of slab I turned into a little cab. turned out pretty ok for my first one #diycabachon #handmade #VisionQuest #mossagate #imakestuff #nofilter
kimz VisionQuest: yah, I cut some stones tonite. and I'm pretty Damn excited about it.
kimz VisionQuest: the best of the day. crazy lace agate on top flanked by 2 chrysoprase. and a turquoise on bottom. Love ❤️❤️❤️ #nofilter
kimz VisionQuest: cabs on hand.. the left column and the purple charoite cabs were purchased. the rest I cabbed. #VisionQuest ##geojewelry #rockwhore #stonehoarder #cabachons
kimz VisionQuest: "swamp bog" or Gary Green Jasper. great material. cab I cut on the right and another one coming from the piece on the left #swampbogjasper #cabachons
kimz VisionQuest: I cut this ocean jasper tonite. turned out better than I thought. I couldn't see the radial lines in the yellow before I started to polish #oceanjasper #cabachon #imadethat #VisionQuestonetsy #etsy #nofilter
kimz VisionQuest: cut this turquoise tonite. honestly, I love the little imperfections of the included matrix. solid, nof backed. 😀❤️
kimz VisionQuest: bog jasper man, I love this material
kimz VisionQuest: rocks and cabs
kimz VisionQuest: rocks and cabs
kimz VisionQuest: rocks and cabs
kimz VisionQuest: rocks and cabs
kimz VisionQuest: rocks and cabs
kimz VisionQuest: rocks and cabs
kimz VisionQuest: Ocean jasper.