: 8x10 First try
: 8x10 First try
: The Obligatory Onion Garlic Shot
: Portrait in Landscape
: The Dragon Pillar
: The Dragon Pillar
: YangPu Riverfront
: The Bund - Summer 2020
: The Bund - Summer 2020
: The Bund - Summer 2020
: The Bund August 2020
: WuKang Mansion/Normandie Apartments
: The Bund 2020
: The Bund 2020
: The Bund 2020
: Shanghai XuHui Riverfront
: The failed 8x10 experience
: The failed 8x10 experience
: The failed 8x10 experience
: Ironing out the Kinks
: Ironing out the kinks
: Ironing out the kinks
: Shanghai Bund 2020
: Shanghai Bund 2020
: Ironing out the Kinks
: Ironing out the Kinks
: North South Elevated Highway
: North South Elevated Highway
: Autumn Color at Shanghai West Pine Forest
: Train Tracks - No Train