: Zoo Day Out - Black-crowned Night Heron
: Zoo Day Out - Pelecanus crispus
: Zoo Day Out
: Zoo Day Out - Bee and Flower
: Zoo Day Out - Flower
: Zoo Day Out
: Zoo Day Out - Care Bear
: Zoo Day Out - Blue-and-yellow macaw
: Zoo Day Out - Phasianus colchicus
: Zoo Day Out - Cockatoo
: Zoo Day Out - Crane...
: Zoo Day Out - Crane...
: Zoo Day Out - Crane...
: Zoo Day Out - struthio camelus
: Zoo Day Out - struthio camelus
: Nosey
: ...
: Little Yellow Flower
: My Father
: Impression of West Lake - Lotus Pond
: Impression of West Lake - Lotus Pond
: 乌镇
: 乌镇
: 乌镇
: Butterfly
: Butterfly
: Butterfly - Comma
: Butterfly - Comma
: Butterfly - Polygonia sp.
: Flower - Sunday Afternoon