unertlkm: Kim, at our Friday night campsite
unertlkm: Ava, diva in the making
unertlkm: Dad eating ice cream cake
unertlkm: Saturday, people chatting
unertlkm: Trying to eat the ice cream cake
unertlkm: Karen says...
unertlkm: Karen's scary customer service smile
unertlkm: Kim says...
unertlkm: Tim, Karl, and the confused bird
unertlkm: Family picture 2005
unertlkm: Goofy family picture 2005
unertlkm: Dad & the kids
unertlkm: Family volleyball team, side 1
unertlkm: Volleyball team, side 2
unertlkm: Obviously, I totally missed the action shot here
unertlkm: Tent view, Saturday night spot
unertlkm: Bacon and choco chip pancakes
unertlkm: Kathy, waiting for breakfast
unertlkm: Tim, the head camping chef
unertlkm: Breakfast, Sunday morning
unertlkm: Tomato No. 1
unertlkm: Why, hello, Mr. Tomato, what's YOUR name?
unertlkm: More almost ready to be picked tomatoes