unertlkm: Wasp Nest in the wild
unertlkm: Emerson & Quinn at the Rock Island State Park sign
unertlkm: Rock Island State Park
unertlkm: Birch tree bark
unertlkm: Birch tree bark
unertlkm: Tea & morning campfire
unertlkm: Back view from the tent
unertlkm: Front view from the tent
unertlkm: What's a campfire without Jiffy Pop?
unertlkm: Tim & Emerson by Lake Michigan
unertlkm: Skipping rocks in the lake
unertlkm: Mammatus Clouds
unertlkm: Sunset clouds
unertlkm: Sunset over Lake Michigan
unertlkm: Tim & Kim by the Pottawatomie Light House
unertlkm: Tree leaves changing color!
unertlkm: A little moss-scape
unertlkm: Heading towards sunset
unertlkm: Campsite
unertlkm: Tim playing Roll Through the Ages
unertlkm: E playing Roll Through the Ages
unertlkm: S'more time
unertlkm: Campfire
unertlkm: Lake Michigan sunset
unertlkm: Lake Michigan sunset
unertlkm: E reading by the campfire
unertlkm: View of the lake
unertlkm: Spiky mushrooms?
unertlkm: Goldenrod
unertlkm: Walking in the woods with a friend