unertlkm: Tim at the start of a very wet hike
unertlkm: Emerson's sunny disposition showing through despite the rain
unertlkm: Thumbs up for the hike!
unertlkm: Interesting shelf fungus
unertlkm: Emerson during one of the brief periods on the hike in without rain
unertlkm: Tim on the trail - my lens fogged up!
unertlkm: Actual fog on the trail
unertlkm: Despite being damp, we all tried to have a positive attitude
unertlkm: Playing the dice version of Settlers of Catan at the Hike Inn
unertlkm: Dice Settlers of Catan
unertlkm: Catan dice
unertlkm: Catan dice
unertlkm: Tim in the Sunrise Room at the Hike Inn
unertlkm: Emerson "winking"
unertlkm: Emerson in the Sunrise Room at the Hike Inn
unertlkm: Tim and Emerson playing the dice version of Settlers of Catan
unertlkm: Emerson filling out his score card for dice Settlers of Catan
unertlkm: Views from the Sunrise Room
unertlkm: Views from the Sunrise Room
unertlkm: Sunrise Room porch - great rockers!
unertlkm: Looking towards the Starbase
unertlkm: Views from the Sunrise Room
unertlkm: Starbase
unertlkm: Tim and Emerson playing games in the Sunrise Room
unertlkm: Wood fired stove at the Sunrise Room
unertlkm: Game selection in the Sunrise Room
unertlkm: Puzzle selection in the Sunrise Room
unertlkm: Bunks in our room
unertlkm: Corner/shelf area in our room
unertlkm: Goofing around