unertlkm: "What IS that?!?"
unertlkm: "Look! It's very cool!"
unertlkm: Meeting a new friend
unertlkm: "Can we take him home?"
unertlkm: Let's go go go!!!
unertlkm: Almost halfway there!
unertlkm: Cheering is hard work
unertlkm: Some of us are goofing around taking photos, some of us are paying attention to the game
unertlkm: At Fido for breakfast
unertlkm: What's this?
unertlkm: Oh, a banjo? I was playing banjo before banjos were cool.
unertlkm: Mandolin time
unertlkm: Emerson's Pro Tip: if the mandolin is too heavy for *you* to hold, ask a grownup to help.
unertlkm: See, Mom? You just adjust the tuning here...
unertlkm: True fact: I played a mandolin today and have the sticker to prove it.
unertlkm: Fire truck on the fire truck