kimstrezz: Nana Mary Tom and Auntie Sis c1938
kimstrezz: Mary Tom and Auntie Sis - August 21 1938
kimstrezz: Auntie Sis and Mary A c1938
kimstrezz: Bing Crosby with One of The General's Dogs - May 1938
kimstrezz: Uncle Ted - c1938
kimstrezz: Lucy Frank and Mick Boscovich - c1938
kimstrezz: Uncle Bill Billie Ann Uncle Erv Uncle Ted - c1938
kimstrezz: Aunt Lucy Frank Boskovitch with Uncle Ted - c1938
kimstrezz: Aunt Dot Billie Ann Uncle Ted and Aunt Lena - c1938
kimstrezz: May Block Coutts and Billie Ann - c1938
kimstrezz: Aunt Lucy and Uncle Frank Boskovich 2 - c1938
kimstrezz: Aunt Lucy and Uncle Frank Boskcovich - c1938
kimstrezz: Aunt Lucy 2 - c1938
kimstrezz: Aunt Lucy - c1938
kimstrezz: Lucy and Frank Boscovich 2 - c1938
kimstrezz: Lucy and Frank Boscovich 1 - c1938
kimstrezz: Uncle Frank Aunt Lucy and Who - c1938
kimstrezz: Uncle Ted - c1938
kimstrezz: Uncle Chuck and Bob the Dog - c1938
kimstrezz: House in Newhall - c1938
kimstrezz: Grampy as Brooklyn Dodger Minor Leaguer - c1938
kimstrezz: Grampy in Brooklyn Dodgers Uniform - c1938
kimstrezz: Lucy May and Grandma Block with Grandpa Block and Possibly Frank - c1938