kimstrezz: The Sign and the Car 1923
kimstrezz: Nana on Sign with Mary Tom and Auntie Sis - 1923
kimstrezz: Nana on Muddy Trailer - 1923
kimstrezz: Mary Tom and Sign - 1923
kimstrezz: Traveling to CA - 1923
kimstrezz: The Travel Trailer c1923
kimstrezz: The Trailer with Nana and Mary Tom in Kearney Nebraska 1923
kimstrezz: Nana on the Road
kimstrezz: Cousin Joe Nana Auntie Sis and Mary Tom in Yellowstone - c1923
kimstrezz: Nana in Camp - 1923
kimstrezz: Car with Trailer - c1923
kimstrezz: Dinnertime at Camp - c1923
kimstrezz: One of the Camps - 1923
kimstrezz: Nana on the Dock - 1923
kimstrezz: Nana at Yellowstone - 1923
kimstrezz: Auntie Sis - c1923
kimstrezz: Nana and Joe Caulfield on the Road - 1923
kimstrezz: Nana feeding squirrel in Yellowstone - 1923
kimstrezz: Yellowstone with Mary Tom Joe Auntie Sis Nana and Queenie the Pregnant Dog - 1923
kimstrezz: Yellowstone Shot 3 - 1923