kimstrezz: Nana - 1956
kimstrezz: Mom's Birthday Family Photo - 1956
kimstrezz: Mom's Birthday - 1956
kimstrezz: Mom with Dog1956
kimstrezz: Mom with Dog - December 1956
kimstrezz: Dad Aunt Carol and Uncle Bob at Santa's Villiage - March 25 1956
kimstrezz: Dad Aunt Carol and Uncle Bob - 1956
kimstrezz: Uncle Bob Aunt Carol and Dad - 1956
kimstrezz: Aunt Carol - 1956
kimstrezz: Aunt Carol - 1956
kimstrezz: The Family at the Empire State Building - 1956
kimstrezz: Nana Mary Tom and Mom at Caulfield House - 1956
kimstrezz: Nana Getting off Plane - 1956
kimstrezz: Mom and Nana at Grant's Tomb - 1956
kimstrezz: Mom and Max - c1956
kimstrezz: Grand Tom Mom Mary Tom and Uncle Al - NY 1956
kimstrezz: Uncle Al Wallpapering - April 1956
kimstrezz: Uncle Al Mowing - May 1956
kimstrezz: Uncle Al Auntie Sis Mary and Grand Tom - May 1956
kimstrezz: Mom Nana Papa and Uncle Al - September 1956
kimstrezz: Grand Tom Uncle Al and Mary Tom - May 1956
kimstrezz: Grand Tom Mary Tom and Uncle Al - May 1956
kimstrezz: Pana Nana and Mom - September 1956
kimstrezz: Midnight Snack - October 1956
kimstrezz: Grand and Mary Tom with Uncle Al at St Anthonys Grotto - 1956
kimstrezz: Grand Tom with Car - October 1956
kimstrezz: Grand Tom and Uncle Al - May 1956
kimstrezz: Auntie Sis Mom and Mary Tom at St Anthonys Grotto - Sept 5 1956
kimstrezz: Uncle Al Shoveling Snow - March 1956
kimstrezz: Grand and Mary Tom at Vanderbilt Museum - September 1956