A Crystal Bee: Japanese and Woodstove
A Crystal Bee: Easter Chick
A Crystal Bee: Ho Ho Ho
A Crystal Bee: Merry Christmas
A Crystal Bee: Brassyback Rooster on the old Ford 8N
A Crystal Bee: Here's looking at you
A Crystal Bee: Silkie Chick
A Crystal Bee: Silkie chicks
A Crystal Bee: Hens out for a stroll
A Crystal Bee: Hiding in the grass....
A Crystal Bee: Silkie Chick
A Crystal Bee: Howdy Partner!
A Crystal Bee: Plowing the Upper 40
A Crystal Bee: Miss Dixie
A Crystal Bee: Frizzle Rooster
A Crystal Bee: Coming out of the outhouse!
A Crystal Bee: In the study........
A Crystal Bee: blue hen outhouse