kimshand: #1 a
kimshand: #1Before Tournament (2)
kimshand: #3 boardwalk fall
kimshand: #4 tee b
kimshand: #4 tee
kimshand: #5 comfort station fall
kimshand: #5 tee station
kimshand: #5 tee stn
kimshand: #5comfort station g
kimshand: #9 clubhouseb
kimshand: #10 a
kimshand: #10 Black Eyed Susan c
kimshand: #10 Black eyed Susan closest yet
kimshand: #10 looking at rentals
kimshand: #10 perennial garden closer
kimshand: #10 tees and condos
kimshand: #11 bed
kimshand: #11 stream 2003d
kimshand: #11 stream 2003e
kimshand: #11 stream 2003f
kimshand: #11 stream 2003g
kimshand: #11 stream 2003j
kimshand: #11 stream
kimshand: #12 green (1)
kimshand: #12 green
kimshand: #12 tee station roses b
kimshand: #12 tee station roses carefree wonder and Henry hudson
kimshand: #12 tee station roses george vancouver and henry hudson