rachelakelso: 091807
rachelakelso: 4. just a little bit longer now
rachelakelso: 16. with a wave of my hand and a well-placed moan
rachelakelso: 17. there's no need for living in the past
rachelakelso: 19. on september 12th right here, in front of the waverly
rachelakelso: 23. i smelt the last ten seconds of life
rachelakelso: 36. she shakes just like a willow tree
rachelakelso: 40. this day will soon be at an end
rachelakelso: 42. i'm getting sleepy, but you're just fine
rachelakelso: 127. until the stars fall from the sky
rachelakelso: 130. i just want my chance
rachelakelso: 134. as you're folding up the shirts you hesitate
rachelakelso: 142. as long as you're still smiling / there's nothing more I need
rachelakelso: 159.
rachelakelso: 164. couldnt hear a robin sing
rachelakelso: 175.
rachelakelso: 176.
rachelakelso: i didn't know you could be b r o k e n & happy at the same time.