Kimiron: DP3M0590
Kimiron: DP3M0585
Kimiron: First sunset this year
Kimiron: DP3M0565
Kimiron: Statue of Liberty and Tokyo Tower and Rainbow Bridge
Kimiron: レインボーブリッジ Rainbow Bridge 
Kimiron: DP3M0324
Kimiron: DP3M0323
Kimiron: Gundam night
Kimiron: DP3M フジテレビ
Kimiron: DP3M レインボーブリッジ
Kimiron: DP3M0342
Kimiron: 五井駅
Kimiron: 千葉都市モノレール 2
Kimiron: 千葉都市モノレール
Kimiron: DP3M96
Kimiron: Beautiful Tokyo Tower
Kimiron: Sunset and Tokyo Tower
Kimiron: DP3M63
Kimiron: DP3M62
Kimiron: SDIM0025
Kimiron: SDIM0019
Kimiron: Brown chocolate #3
Kimiron: Brown chocolate #2
Kimiron: Guardian angel
Kimiron: Our beer
Kimiron: Yellow pigeons
Kimiron: mini vélo
Kimiron: Town where I live 20140622
Kimiron: Town where I live 20140629