J.Hernetkoski: 20 / 365
Oliver Schoepgens: La Thur à Thann
Patinagal: standing by
JörgDE: Nightshift
Gerald Schuring: Zeehonden-11
ASFVIS: Christine
puuuuuuuuce: Shurab mining town
Patinagal: well traveled
MilanCvetanovic: The 300th Ballinasloe Horse Fair
Mark Noack: wheels...
svenr67: Voigtländer Camera
Calle Söderberg: Stupid Elf, Pt. 2 - _TNY_9765
Brad Lackey: Summer Storm
Brad Lackey: Riding The Rails
okiox: Japanese white-eye and Sakura. Zosterops japonicus
okiox: Rock Pigeon. Columba livia.
Elisafox22 off and on a bit!: Let there be Light...
Patinagal: Phillips 66