Kim Brown: Salmo River trail cedars2
Kim Brown: Salmo River trail cedars1
Kim Brown: Salmo Lookout - my rig and lookout building
Kim Brown: Salmo Lookout - I liked how the sun lit up the trees & moss and cast a shadow of Salmo Mtn on the opposite slope
Kim Brown: Salmo Lookout view, rain and fog and ridges upon ridges upon ridges
Kim Brown: Salmo Lookout area - top of hill, view
Kim Brown: Salmo Lookout - not the best photo, but I liked the light hitting the opposite slope
Kim Brown: Salmo Lookout - fog developing above the Salmo River
Kim Brown: Salmo Lookout - Snags, ridges at dusk
Kim Brown: and just like that, it was flat
Kim Brown: Wilderness sign
Kim Brown: Tribute to Tom Davenport
Kim Brown: This here's a real live tumbleweed
Kim Brown: Slippy Slidey Falls, or something like that - just outside of Metaline
Kim Brown: Picture of a picture, Sweet Creek pioneer pickanick
Kim Brown: Ode on a Grecian Sweet Creek Photo, Almost Takin' a Chomp O' Sandwich in Perpetuity
Kim Brown: Lester Flatt
Kim Brown: Jackson Browne
Kim Brown: Hwy 25, Lk Roosevelt2
Kim Brown: Hwy 25, Lk Roosevelt
Kim Brown: Crowell Ridge - view2
Kim Brown: Crowell Ridge - view
Kim Brown: Crowell Ridge - trail soars up the slope, sidehilling
Kim Brown: Crowell Ridge - road and fog
Kim Brown: Crowell Ridge - not a great photo, but acres and acres of Western azalea are in FULL BLOOM
Kim Brown: Crowell Ridge - nearing the ridgetop, morning
Kim Brown: Crowell Ridge - lots of horn beaked lousewort and Gypsy Peak
Kim Brown: Crowell Ridge - goes on and on - see trail in center, continues to sidehill big mtn to the far left
Kim Brown: Crowell Ridge - fog and western azalea
Kim Brown: Crowell Ridge - Western azalea