Kim Brown: unfurling fiddlehead
Kim Brown: red fiddlehead sword fern
Kim Brown: hikers on banks of Mid Fk Snoquamie Rv
Kim Brown: false lily of the valley and sword fern frond
Kim Brown: blanket of rosy stalked flower thingies
Kim Brown: What is this - on the bank of the Mid Fk
Kim Brown: Vanilla leaf, sword fern, deer fern, false lily of the valley
Kim Brown: Vanilla leaf in bloom
Kim Brown: Unfurling fern fronds, lily of the valley leaves, red fiddlehead
Kim Brown: Sword fern unfurling3
Kim Brown: Red fiddleheads1
Kim Brown: Red fiddleheads framed with green fern
Kim Brown: Red fiddlehead and Canadian dogwood
Kim Brown: Pacific Northwest sunbather
Kim Brown: One red fiddlehead and false lilly of the valley leaves1
Kim Brown: On the trail1
Kim Brown: Not that great, but I kinda like it - devils club and maple tree moss
Kim Brown: Nice trail
Kim Brown: New growth
Kim Brown: Mountain Bloop 2 - 3
Kim Brown: Mountain Bloop 2
Kim Brown: Mountain Bloop 1 - 3
Kim Brown: Mountain Bloop 1 - 2
Kim Brown: More licorice fern & greenery
Kim Brown: Fungus and vine maple leaves
Kim Brown: Fiddleheads & lily of the valley in bloom
Kim Brown: Colorful ferns