Kim Brown: yarrow, fern, hellibore
Kim Brown: lupine and hellibore
Kim Brown: leaving the meadows and into forest
Kim Brown: Whitechuck
Kim Brown: Taking pictures
Kim Brown: Sunset near camp
Kim Brown: Sticky uppy cloud soaring above slopes
Kim Brown: Schroder enjoying his Barcalounger
Kim Brown: Randy, a happy man
Kim Brown: Randy and Jim near summit of Green Mtn
Kim Brown: Randy & Jim heading up to summit
Kim Brown: Hooker's fairybells and hellibore
Kim Brown: Heading out1
Kim Brown: Green Mtn2
Kim Brown: Green Mtn
Kim Brown: Glacier lillies on slope with snow
Kim Brown: Garden2
Kim Brown: Garden
Kim Brown: Freinds - remember this view
Kim Brown: Flying saucer clouds to the east
Kim Brown: Dusk and haze moving in
Kim Brown: Downey Creek camp
Kim Brown: Daddy, why do they call it Green Mtn
Kim Brown: Coocoo for glacier lillies
Kim Brown: Alaskan yellow cedar, huckleberry and trail
Kim Brown: mossy trailbench, old trail
Kim Brown: artifact, old trail
Kim Brown: Relaxing gents on old trail
Kim Brown: Downey spelled incorrectly
Kim Brown: A hiker on old trail1