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Tenas Creek by Kim Brown
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Kim Brown
a hiker negotiates washout detritus on Tenas Cr Rd
Kim Brown
Where's Waldo
Kim Brown
That really is some nice moss
Kim Brown
Silver fir and PiB
Kim Brown
Raining like a bastard
Kim Brown
PiB having lunch at Conglomerate Tree
Kim Brown
PiB fondling the moss
Kim Brown
Note - if you cross this creek, you're off route
Kim Brown
No telling how this is going to turn out
Kim Brown
Negotiations continue
Kim Brown
Moron and banana, a portrait
Kim Brown
More negotiations
Kim Brown
Lichen (unfondled) growing on silver fir
Kim Brown
Lemme in, I say!
Kim Brown
It's done broke
Kim Brown
It was a dark and windy day
Kim Brown
I want in that stump
Kim Brown
I know! I'll break in!
Kim Brown
GP Wilderness sign on a hemlock conglomerate
Kim Brown
Fog ahead
Kim Brown
Kim Brown
Another view of detritus
Kim Brown
A hiker fiddles with camera at washout in road