Kim Brown: white nubby shrooms
Kim Brown: once a riverbed
Kim Brown: This how deep the silt deposit was
Kim Brown: Sticks deposited by floodwaters
Kim Brown: Silt pile at base of tree
Kim Brown: Silt and stick
Kim Brown: Silt and preserved pattern of fern
Kim Brown: Silt and cottonwood leaf2
Kim Brown: Silt and preserved pattern of cottonwood leaf1
Kim Brown: Silt and pattern of 3 cottonwood leaves
Kim Brown: Leaf skeleton in water
Kim Brown: Indian pipe
Kim Brown: Pile of debris on "windward" side of tree, deposited by floodwaters
Kim Brown: IMGP9845
Kim Brown: Ghost
Kim Brown: Fungus
Kim Brown: Fern frond in fall
Kim Brown: Feather and fern
Kim Brown: Old Sauk trail
Kim Brown: Ghost
Kim Brown: IMGP9854
Kim Brown: Fern leaf in silt
Kim Brown: alder leaf in silt
Kim Brown: last years alder leaf plastered to alder trunk
Kim Brown: broken frond and its shadow on leaf
Kim Brown: an inviting trail
Kim Brown: alder trunk ringed in step moss
Kim Brown: Yew trunk and leaves
Kim Brown: Very inviting trail