Studio Nouvelle Photography: Me in Charleston
Studio Nouvelle Photography: Don't accept your dog's admiration as conclusive evidence that you are wonderful. ~Ann Landers
Studio Nouvelle Photography: Kimberly & Flossie Posin'.... I taught her well.
Studio Nouvelle Photography: Rooftop Bar... Charleston, SC
Studio Nouvelle Photography: The streets of Charleston, SC
Studio Nouvelle Photography: Please... with sprinkles on top
Studio Nouvelle Photography: Brunch with the Girls
Studio Nouvelle Photography: Morning Coffee in Charleston ;))~
Studio Nouvelle Photography: Sunset in Charleston
Studio Nouvelle Photography: Remember the beach???...
Studio Nouvelle Photography: Waiting Patiently...NOT!
Studio Nouvelle Photography: Wig Night @ the local pub
Studio Nouvelle Photography: Studying with assistance from Ms. Starbucks, Queen of Caffeine
Studio Nouvelle Photography: Out on the deck with Rex the cock & his 4 favorite hens
Studio Nouvelle Photography: Dedicated Zipliners
Studio Nouvelle Photography: Soaring through the air...
Studio Nouvelle Photography: Ziplining in Honduras with my crazy cousin Laura
Studio Nouvelle Photography: Monkey see, Monkey do :)
Studio Nouvelle Photography: Ok... enough with the monkeying around.
Studio Nouvelle Photography: "Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." ~ Buddha