KimberlyPenzes: Done in 15 minutes.
KimberlyPenzes: Pumpkins from Huber Orchard & Winery. Starlight, IN.
KimberlyPenzes: Pumpkin bread, ice cream and wine from Huber's.
KimberlyPenzes: Pick your own pumpkins on wagon ride.
KimberlyPenzes: Scott, realizing these are hard to carve!
KimberlyPenzes: Scott picks a "difficult" haunted house as his first carve.
KimberlyPenzes: Lovin every minute of it.
KimberlyPenzes: Kimberly picks a "even a kid could do it" as her first carve.
KimberlyPenzes: Scott breaks out the drill like a true Kentucky resident.
KimberlyPenzes: Kimberly knocks out 2 no brainers.
KimberlyPenzes: Drills and beer, what could possibly go wrong?
KimberlyPenzes: Scott on hour 2.5.
KimberlyPenzes: "I should have picked the smiley face".
KimberlyPenzes: Candles in.
KimberlyPenzes: Scott's haunted house. (I think it looks like a haunted rocket).
KimberlyPenzes: Everybody gets a candle.
KimberlyPenzes: DSCN1101
KimberlyPenzes: Haunted house.
KimberlyPenzes: Smiley face.
KimberlyPenzes: Which is scarier?
KimberlyPenzes: Grow up.
KimberlyPenzes: Wagon ride to pick your own.
KimberlyPenzes: Self portrait on the wagon ride.
KimberlyPenzes: I'm sweating in this sweater.
KimberlyPenzes: Scott only let me get 2 of these!
KimberlyPenzes: I have mine picked out, telling Scott where his perfect pumpkin will be.
KimberlyPenzes: Scott can't beleive I put my purse on the ground.
KimberlyPenzes: Happy Halloween.
KimberlyPenzes: This is to settle a bet between Scott and Sus. (He is right)