Rosiee Gelutie: This is Morgana!!!
Rosiee Gelutie: This is when I had just picked up Moragna at the Post Office!
Rosiee Gelutie: I opened her head and survived it!
Rosiee Gelutie: I couldn't find Bert this morning...:)
Rosiee Gelutie: My Helpers!
Rosiee Gelutie: Girls at the airport!
Rosiee Gelutie: On the plane, looking at airplane trading cards...
Rosiee Gelutie: Sleepy time!
Rosiee Gelutie: Up, up and away!
Rosiee Gelutie: Playing bejeweled!
Rosiee Gelutie: No more wings!!! But they are checking out the trading cards!
Rosiee Gelutie: Gelato time!:)
Rosiee Gelutie: Morgana always makes it a happy day!
Rosiee Gelutie: Their first night at Grandma's!
Rosiee Gelutie: Tea Party!
Rosiee Gelutie: Horror of Horrors!!!!
Rosiee Gelutie: Mor: Mom, I fell...
Rosiee Gelutie: Hugs make the fall all better!
Rosiee Gelutie: And Morgana is climbing once more!
Rosiee Gelutie: Peek-a-boo!
Rosiee Gelutie: She's a little stunned but okay!
Rosiee Gelutie: Fun in the wagon!