Kim Bach: "Tour de Europa 2008": "Ilse" and "The Static Duo" in "Wine Paradise"
Kim Bach: "Tour de Europa 2008": The Imposing Towers of the Cathedral of Albi
Kim Bach: "Tour de Europa 2008": Rainbow over Albi
Kim Bach: "Tour de Europa 2008": Aveyron dans mon coeur
Kim Bach: "Tour de Europa 2008": circuit du Larzac templier et hospitalier
Kim Bach: "Tour de Europa 2008": Knights Templars drink Kirr Cassis
Kim Bach: "Tour de Europa 2008": Stronghold of the Knights Templars
Kim Bach: "Tour de Europa 2008": Entrance to the Grotte de Niaux
Kim Bach: "Tour de Europa 2008": Barcelone par Col
Kim Bach: "Tour de Europa 2008": Barcelona is filled with wonderful small restaurants
Kim Bach: "Tour de Europa 2008": View of Barcelona from Park Güell
Kim Bach: "Tour de Europa 2008": Le Grand Bleu - Côte d'Azur Français
Kim Bach: Tour de Europa 2008: Wine festival in Montpellier