Kim Bach: High Q: Monster fedt
Kim Bach: High Q: Hosted Celis White
Kim Bach: High Q: Carlsberg larger than life
Kim Bach: High Q: Ray of light
Kim Bach: High Q: Ray of light
Kim Bach: High Q: Sønder Boulevard
Kim Bach: High Q: In the shadow of the logo
Kim Bach: High Q: In the shadow of the logo
Kim Bach: High Q: In the shadow of the logo
Kim Bach: High Q: In the shadow of the logo
Kim Bach: High Q: In the shadow of the logo
Kim Bach: High Q: Kuglen Meyer
Kim Bach: High Q: Part of the selection
Kim Bach: High Q: The logo and "regnvåde gader"
Kim Bach: High Q: Part of the selection
Kim Bach: High Q: Part of the selection
Kim Bach: High Q: Be there or be square and please bring back the food
Kim Bach: High Q: The lighter side of be there or be square
Kim Bach: High Q: Be there or be square
Kim Bach: High Q: Gateway to the outside
Kim Bach: High Q: Youngs Double Chocholate
Kim Bach: High Q: What's for desert? Youngs double chocolate!
Kim Bach: High Q: The logo
Kim Bach: High Q: Regnvåde gader
Kim Bach: High Q: Fire it up! Sambuka. Doesn't work if you're using flash
Kim Bach: High Q: Fire it up! Sambuka
Kim Bach: High Q: Room with a view
Kim Bach: High Q: Part of the game
Kim Bach: High Q: Wall painting
Kim Bach: High Q: The logo as seen by outsiders