Kim Scarborough:
Then and now: Tyler House
Kim Scarborough:
Then and Now: Furniture Mart from Beach
Kim Scarborough:
Then and Now: State & Lake at Night
Kim Scarborough:
Then and now: Pontiac Building
Kim Scarborough:
Then and Now: Packard & State
Kim Scarborough:
Then and Now: Hyde Park High School/Academy
Kim Scarborough:
Then and Now: Bryn Mawr Bank Building
Kim Scarborough:
Then and Now: Engine 121
Kim Scarborough:
Never and Now: Clark & Walton
Kim Scarborough:
Then and Now: W. M. R. French Residence
Kim Scarborough:
Then and Now: Lawrence & Kedzie
Kim Scarborough:
Then and Now: All Saints Church/Cathedral
Kim Scarborough:
Then and Now: Milwaukee & Ashland
Kim Scarborough:
Then and Now: Young House
Kim Scarborough:
Then and Now: Shoreland
Kim Scarborough:
Then and Now: Summerdale Savings Bank
Kim Scarborough:
Then and Now: Garland Court
Kim Scarborough:
Then and Now: Chicago Public Library/Chicago Cultural Center
Kim Scarborough:
Then and Now: State & North U. from the Diag