Kim the imaginary friend: I am really at the Rally!
Kim the imaginary friend: stewart pumpkins
Kim the imaginary friend: colbert pumpkins
Kim the imaginary friend: Ignorance isn't bliss, it's insane
Kim the imaginary friend: Dad with doggies
Kim the imaginary friend: blues brothers
Kim the imaginary friend: crowds in trees
Kim the imaginary friend: Where's the Tea Party?
Kim the imaginary friend: North American Moderates for Being Less Angry
Kim the imaginary friend: Washington monument
Kim the imaginary friend: Dad with camera
Kim the imaginary friend: monumental flag
Kim the imaginary friend: back on the metro
Kim the imaginary friend: Me and Justin at the Lincoln Memorial
Kim the imaginary friend: Me and Dad and Lincoln
Kim the imaginary friend: Lincoln's second inagural address
Kim the imaginary friend: view from the Lincoln Memorial
Kim the imaginary friend: Dad at the Vietnam Memorial
Kim the imaginary friend: Dad and Shultzman