avenetus: Гроза над проливом.
avenetus: В гостях у чаек.
avenetus: Случайная фотография на долгую память.
Charlie From Bristol: Fox Resting in the Long Grass
Charlie From Bristol: Nuthatch on a Branch
Charlie From Bristol: Red Squirrel Drinking
Charlie From Bristol: Hovering Gannet
Charlie From Bristol: Life Imitates Art
Jabi Artaraz: Argia nagusi mendian EXPLORE#1
Roman Popelar: Trolltunga, Norway
Charlie From Bristol: A Lucky Puffin Sighting
erlingsi: Øvrebu -|- Cottage
J.S.Eight: Swan Head
eol9097: 100546A
JensM75: Portrait
_Mike M_: Take the time to sit down and appreciate the path...
^ Missi ^: Crappy food being loaded onto our flight…
The Port Pensioner: loch leven Argyll Scotland
Frank Fullard: The Parish Priest
Aves Lux: Mining Bee
Alf Branch: Bee on chives
hasselbladuser: in our garden 7382
Ron-Berlin: Vadim_123
J.S.Eight: Swan feathers
Maffe: Parco del Valentino, Turin
Phil R Berry: Streetscape. *
The Port Pensioner: Glencoe Deer Scotland.