joe_keane: Martin Costello strikes a good ball against Rahoon
joe_keane: Alvin Mitchell
joe_keane: Alvin Mitchell breaks on to this lose ball against Rahoon
joe_keane: Martin Costello take son the Rahoon defence
joe_keane: Kilnadeema/leitrim v Rahoon/Newcastle minor 2009
joe_keane: Shane Lawless puts the goalie under pressure
joe_keane: Dara Herlihy strikes over a point
joe_keane: Shane Lawless tussles for possession
joe_keane: Padraic Stapelton takes the ball out of defence
joe_keane: Alvin Mitchell strikes another ball over his shoulder
joe_keane: Padraic Stapelton towers out of defence
joe_keane: Dara Herlihy
joe_keane: Mark Kelly clears the ball out of defence
joe_keane: Alvin Mitchell strikes towards goal
joe_keane: Paul Howard prepairs to puck out
joe_keane: James Ruffey of Rahoon/Newcastle
joe_keane: Cathal King puts pressure on the goalie
joe_keane: Conor Fahy has a close look at this Rahoon player
joe_keane: Alvin Mitchell strikes a line ball
joe_keane: James Ruffey of Rahoon
joe_keane: Padraic Stapelton
joe_keane: Paul Howard
joe_keane: Daithi O'Donoghue prepairs to clear
joe_keane: Kilnadeema/leitrim v Rahoon/Newcastle
joe_keane: martin Costello looks to the skies
joe_keane: damien Donoghue and Dara Herlihy put the goalie under pressure
joe_keane: Niall Haverty strikes a ball at goal in the minor game v Rahoon
joe_keane: Michael Donoghue in possession against Rahoon
joe_keane: Kilnadeema/leitrim Minor team 2009