joe_keane: Alan Linnane and Michael John Quinn
joe_keane: Emmet Caulifield rises highest
joe_keane: Sean Burke and Eugune Cloonan clash in senior championship match in Loughrea 2008
joe_keane: High ball between St Thomas and Athenry
joe_keane: Aiden Callanan cuts a line ball
joe_keane: Kevin Cunningham of St Thomas and Liam Howley of Atheney
joe_keane: Eugune Cloonan strikes a great clearance for Athenry
joe_keane: Eugune Cloonan in control of the situation
joe_keane: Kevin Cunningham
joe_keane: Athenry and St Thomas in close combat
joe_keane: Eugune Cloonan strikes one of his 10 points
joe_keane: Sean Glynn of Athenry gets in his shot despite the attention of Aiden Callanan
joe_keane: Emmet Caulifield and Aiden Callanan rise to the ball
joe_keane: Kevin Cunningham and Shane Donoghue
joe_keane: Michael John Quinn
joe_keane: Close attention
joe_keane: Liam Howley of Athenry takes control of the Sliotor
joe_keane: High Pulling between Liam Howley and James Regan
joe_keane: Close action between David Burke and Eugune Cloonan
joe_keane: Sean Glynn
joe_keane: Castlegar v craughwell
joe_keane: Castlegar v craughwel
joe_keane: Ger O'Halleron strikes a great ball for Craughwell
joe_keane: Craughwell's Keelen Greene and Castlegar's Thomas Mannion
joe_keane: Padraig O'Flynn Castlegar takes control of this ball
joe_keane: Terance Grogan is beaten by this shot from Adrian Cullinane
joe_keane: Terance Grogan and Ger O'Halleron
joe_keane: Pa Connell and Niall Healy contest this ball
joe_keane: Niall Healy gets away for Craughwell
joe_keane: Adrian Cullinane and Padraig O'Flynn contest this high ball