joe_keane: Kilnadeema/Leitrim Intermediate team 2008
joe_keane: Tom Tierney takes on James Coen
joe_keane: wonderful catch by David Tierney
joe_keane: Ton Tierney tussles for possession
joe_keane: Eamon Hyland cuts a lineball
joe_keane: Brian Gardiner stops Gary Earls from having a shot at goal
joe_keane: Liam Geargthy takes a lineball
joe_keane: Aiden Spaight and Gearoid Whelan watch the hand pass of Andrew Daly
joe_keane: Liam Geargthy and Clement Earls watch the flight of the ball
joe_keane: Kevin Boyle gets in a block on Gary Earls
joe_keane: Kevin Boyle is slipped by Gary Earls
joe_keane: Kevin Boyle keeps tabs on Gary Earls
joe_keane: New boy Aiden Spaight
joe_keane: David Spellman and Tommy Madden contest this high ball
joe_keane: Aiden Spaight keeps an eye on Eanna Ryan
joe_keane: Neighbours in harmony .. Aiden Spaight and David Spellman
joe_keane: Raymond Larkin and kevin Boyle contest this ball with Gary Earls
joe_keane: Kevin Boyle
joe_keane: Raymond Larkin clears his lines
joe_keane: Niall Earls goes highest for this ball despite the attention of Brian Daniels
joe_keane: Raymond Larkin keeps Gary Earls near the end line
joe_keane: Niall Tierney reaches for this lose ball
joe_keane: David Tierney splits open the defence again
joe_keane: all eyes on the ball Niall Earls and Brian Daniels
joe_keane: Medical ... Marie Skelly
joe_keane: Manager .. John Whelan
joe_keane: Aiden Spaight wins the high ball
joe_keane: David Tierney sets off again
joe_keane: David Spellman and Eanna Ryan
joe_keane: Brian Daniels scores a point