joe_keane: Ramblers ... Division 4 cup champions 2008
joe_keane: Forward action at Terryland Park
joe_keane: Michael Flanagan takes a corner
joe_keane: Derek Hardiman
joe_keane: Michael Flanagan throws it as far as possible
joe_keane: Michael Keating gets up highest
joe_keane: Dangerous ball, David Tierney sets imself up for a crack at goal
joe_keane: Tom Tierney takes on Alan Long
joe_keane: Tom Tierney feels the brunt of this tackle
joe_keane: Tom plays a captains part as he sets up another attack
joe_keane: David takes on his man
joe_keane: David Tierney
joe_keane: Michael Flanagan
joe_keane: Fifty,Fifty ball .. Michael Keating tries to make it his
joe_keane: Michael Keating takes another heavy tackle
joe_keane: Mick Flanagan races up along the line
joe_keane: A missed opportunity .. as Tom Barrett clears ahead of David
joe_keane: David Spellman bosses midfield
joe_keane: Shane O'Looney takes on Tom Barrett
joe_keane: David Tierney shows his skill on the ball
joe_keane: Colm Power
joe_keane: A word in the ear for Tom from the referee
joe_keane: Tom Barrett clears for West as Shane puts him under pressure
joe_keane: Disaster for Ramblers .. West Utd open the scoring
joe_keane: Brian Costello takes a throw in
joe_keane: Michael Keating takes a breader
joe_keane: Shane O'Looney puts the goalie Colm Power under pressure
joe_keane: David Tierney scores his first goal
joe_keane: Perfect block David
joe_keane: Celebration time .. Tom, Michael and David celebrate the opening goal