Ratão Diniz: Paraty/RJ
icebox79deluxe: Big City Nights
Aline S.Stos ∞: frames #4
inua: Avail hits the Alaskan
Thays Coutinho: Corte Desfiado
anendFor (é um anagrama, pô): Justice @ Circo Voador
Jon Asay 찰칵: Snowfall in Portland
Jaume Ventura: Hayedos en Urbasa (Navarra)
Beatriz Ramello: My Sophia Fox
Beatriz Ramello: Renata Bastos
Beatriz Ramello: I ♥ Sophia Fox
Beatriz Ramello: NightShoot
squeekerd1: Day 178 - tree (Explored #2, Thank you!!!)
BumpsBabiesBeyond: Ebbs and Flows
squeekerd1: Day 177.365 (Explored #1! Thank you VERY much!)