Kilitz Photography:
Platystele adelphe from the side as well
Kilitz Photography:
Platystele adelphe from the side
Kilitz Photography:
Platystele adelphe
Kilitz Photography:
Platystele enervis from the side
Kilitz Photography:
Platystele enervis from the side
Kilitz Photography:
Platystele enervis
Kilitz Photography:
Platystele pyriformis
Kilitz Photography:
Platystele pyriformis
Kilitz Photography:
Platystele pyriformis from the side
Kilitz Photography:
Platystele examen-culicum
Kilitz Photography:
Platystele exam-culicum from the side
Kilitz Photography:
Platystele examen-culicum
Kilitz Photography:
Platystele examen-culicum
Kilitz Photography:
Lip and column of Platystele hirtzii
Kilitz Photography:
Platystele hirtzii from the side
Kilitz Photography:
Platystele hirtzii from the side
Kilitz Photography:
Platystele hirtzii
Kilitz Photography:
Platystele calantha
Kilitz Photography:
Platystele calantha from the side
Kilitz Photography:
Platystele calantha from the side
Kilitz Photography:
Platystele calantha
Kilitz Photography:
Platystele calantha in situ flower
Kilitz Photography:
Platystele calantha in situ
Kilitz Photography:
Platystele baqueroi plant
Kilitz Photography:
Platystele baqueroi from the side
Kilitz Photography:
Platystele baqueroi
Kilitz Photography:
Platystele baqueroi
Kilitz Photography:
Platystele baqueroi
Kilitz Photography:
Platystele microscopica
Kilitz Photography:
Platystele microscopica