kileyrogers: Nitro Poached Green Tea and Lime Mousse
kileyrogers: Making Nitro Mousse
kileyrogers: Orange and Beetroot Jellies
kileyrogers: Oyster, Passion Fruit Jelly, Lavender
kileyrogers: Pommery Grain Mustard Ice Cream, Red Cabbage Gazpacho
kileyrogers: Oak Moss
kileyrogers: Jelly of Quail, Langoustine Cream, Parfait of Foie Gras
kileyrogers: Truffle Toast
kileyrogers: Snail Porridge, Jabugo Ham, Shaved Fennel
kileyrogers: Roast Foie Gras Benzaldehyde, Almond Fluid Gel, Cherry and Chamomile
kileyrogers: Sound of the Sea
kileyrogers: ...said sound
kileyrogers: Amy listens
kileyrogers: Salmon Poached in Liquorice Gel
kileyrogers: Ballotine of Anjou Pigeon
kileyrogers: Hot and Iced Tea (at the same time)
kileyrogers: Mrs Marshall's Margaret Cornet
kileyrogers: Pine Sherbet Fountain
kileyrogers: Mango and Douglas Fir Puree, Bavarois of Lychee and Mango
kileyrogers: Blackcurrant Sorbet
kileyrogers: Parsnip Cereal
kileyrogers: Parsnip Cereal
kileyrogers: Making Ice Cream
kileyrogers: Tea Jelly
kileyrogers: Nitro-scrambled Egg and Bacon Ice Cream
kileyrogers: Violet Tartlets, Apple Pie Caramels with edible wrappers
kileyrogers: Mandarin Aerated Chocolate