Ctd 2005: guitarist Gary Wittner
Ctd 2005: sound check Barb & Annegret
Ctd 2005: tools of the trade
Ctd 2005: shakin' it up
Ctd 2005: belly dancer
Ctd 2005: three lights one extraordinary belly dancer
Ctd 2005: dancer shakes it inviting dancers to the floor @ start of the show
Ctd 2005: Shamou hand drum and voice.
Ctd 2005: Annegret Baier on Djembe
Ctd 2005: shadows and player
Ctd 2005: special guest guitarist Gary Wittner
Ctd 2005: Shamou
Ctd 2005: Shamou & Annegret of Loopin'
Ctd 2005: recording in process
Ctd 2005: Shamou from dance floor
Ctd 2005: recording station from the dance floor
Ctd 2005: wing view
Ctd 2005: wing shot Gary Wittner Andy Chipman & Shamou
Ctd 2005: 18 tracks on his G4
Ctd 2005: sound station, dude with headphones and familiar icon
Ctd 2005: Show & gear
Ctd 2005: recording the show/
Ctd 2005: Pete, sound guy, working
Ctd 2005: for a short speel the house lights came up
Ctd 2005: Almost everyone on stage.
Ctd 2005: Shamou on synths
Ctd 2005: Sound guy
Ctd 2005: Barb Truex, Annegret Baier and Shamou gettin' down
Ctd 2005: Barb Truex & Annegret Baier
Ctd 2005: dancers @ the show