kikakampman: Pablo, saved of the terrible Spanisch people who dropped him in the litter
kikakampman: discover the world
kikakampman: Two bandits
kikakampman: Austria January 2009
kikakampman: Chicky little awake
kikakampman: yawning Chicky
kikakampman: Chicky is off for a moment
kikakampman: Big proud cat, father of the little strangers
kikakampman: oh hello I am living only in the nature
kikakampman: I am looking to my kitties who are inside
kikakampman: Chicky take care of the little stranger
kikakampman: Ok 1 second patience for the camera, prrrr
kikakampman: Please we will come in, it's raining outside
kikakampman: Hellooooo
kikakampman: Chicky and little stranger
kikakampman: two little strangers asking for attention
kikakampman: little stranger discover the world
kikakampman: Chicky