kightp: Ashland
kightp: Oregon Shakespeare Festival
kightp: Bowmer Theater
kightp: Susan
kightp: Meeting place
kightp: Pasta Piatti
kightp: Street scene
kightp: Balconies on Main
kightp: Waiting for the Green Show
kightp: Green Show: Ananda Natya Dance Company
kightp: Ananda Natya lead dancer
kightp: July 4: Reserved seats
kightp: A sentiment I can share
kightp: Parade entries assemble
kightp: Klezmer orchestra
kightp: Clown car
kightp: Garden ornament
kightp: Waiting for the parade
kightp: Ringside seating
kightp: An early morning run
kightp: Family runners
kightp: A chilly morning near the Plaza
kightp: Parade-goer
kightp: Bike cop
kightp: Overlook
kightp: Mahonia aquifolium
kightp: Visor
kightp: Family group
kightp: All ages
kightp: Great shirt